Lots of deep pockets here. A renowned maker of OTL gear once told me he uses Belden microphone cable. It was his belief that balanced cable mitigates many of the shortcomings of RCA cables/connectors. Just one man's opinion, of course. BAT and your dealer would probably say something else all together.
Cables like Canare, Cobalt, bettercables.com and bluejeanscables.com all offer great values and might get you there. Way too much voodoo in cable land, but that is not to say the above suggestions are invalid. What's important is that you hear the difference, which is not always for the better.
Try fatwyre.com for loans and suggestions. Best of luck in your quest.
Cables like Canare, Cobalt, bettercables.com and bluejeanscables.com all offer great values and might get you there. Way too much voodoo in cable land, but that is not to say the above suggestions are invalid. What's important is that you hear the difference, which is not always for the better.
Try fatwyre.com for loans and suggestions. Best of luck in your quest.