Cables for McIntosh Equipment

I know that there is over 3000 post on cables but can not find what I am looking for.

I would like to hear from McIntosh users (no offence others)
Looking for your expertise on cables that have performed well with in your system- interconnects, digital, power cords, etc.

My current set up is:
1. McIntosh MC 207 power (AU 24 XLRs for main channels and RCA remaining)
2. McIntosh MX 119 pre amp
3. McIntosh MVP 851 (for DVD video only) with Stereovox digital and Monster Component Video Cables
4. Esoteric DV 50S for all two channel CD, SACD and DVD-A using Au 24 XLR’s
All power cords are Shunyata Python VX and one Taipan VX on a Hydra 2
Two dedicate and isolated grounded 20 amp outlets and a a 15 amp that is not isolated

Also any recommendations would love to hear also.
Ive tried lots of cables and found MIT to work best in my Mac powered system.I suggest using "all" MIT cables if you go that route as a mix-em-up approach doesnt seem to get the best results,IMO
Extraondinary? I think not. After spending who knows how much on cables, I'm convinced your talking the smallest marginal differences from $100 pair to an $800 pair.
Four years ago I went into a audio store here in Maryland
after spending almost a thousand dollars on a pair of Audioguest Gibraaltar cables. Chest puffed out, I accepted his challanged to bring them in and compare them against his $5 a foot clear 10awg cable. What a mistake, to this day I never forgave myself.
I suppose if you have spent in the area of 25-40 thousand
dollars on gear maybe the difference is alittle more pronounced. But if you've spent say 8 thousand like me: Mcintosh ma6500, Consonance source and Harbeth speakers
then look for something very neutral. Analysis Plus clear cables and their Oval one IC's are simple very neutral and natural sounding. Once I figured this out, guess what, I started listening to music instead of the constant quest for the extra iota of something.
One last point, I called Mcintosh regarding upgrading their stock power cable to something that might improve the sound. You know what he said? Simply, 14awg 3C. Belive me don't you think Mcintosh would just add a couple hundred to their price and include another cable if there was benefit? Who would know or care if Mcintosh added $200
to their pricing.
I can truly say finally I'm at a acceptable level of ecstasy.
I am using XLO Reference 3 balanced interconnects (purple/green/white braided) between simaudio Supernova CD and Mac c2300 pre amp. I am using the same between c2300 pre and mc501 monos. Good results--quiet noise floor.
I am using Gabriel Gold Revelation MK2 ICs and Gabriel Gold Extreme speaker cable with my McIntosh MC275 and am quite very happy. My speakers have a tendency to sound a bit bright and the Mac with NOS Telefunkens can be a bit too etched at higher frequencies. The Gabriel Golds seem to be the best cable I have tried with great frequency extension and dynamics but no upper mid-range harshness. That said, I have not tried the really, really high-end brands and have avoided MIT because I cannot fathom spending more on IC's than I spent on my amp...
I have a simualar system w/MC206, MX118, Meridian CD & Thiels. Speakers I have found nothing better sounding than Monster M1, componets I use Kimber Kable Sky & PBJ