Powercord to tame brightness and add musicality

I have an all Krell system: Krell 28c, Krell KCT and Krell 450amps. What can I use on my cdp to add musicality and lessen digital brightness.
I am using Epiphany currently and might try the Anaconda Vx for my system needs to be more musical. Thanks
Ag insider logo xs@2xnickt
Nick, after all this, aren't you glad to know that an Audience powercord is the answer. Man, all these threads, hitting on the same idea, who would have thought that an Audience powercord was the answer. Sorry my fellow audiophools, I couldn't resist...lol.. Audience powercord: who woulda thought...
Actually, I think Audience has some of the best cabling for the dollar and supposedly competes or beats some other higher priced cables such as the Nordost Valhallas. I used to own their au24 ics and I still use their au24 speaker cables.

I've never tried their power cables and I'd guess that they too are better than most. But it really doesn't matter, because no power cable can do what 'proper' line-conditioning can do.

At least that's what I interpreted Warren to say. :)

OK Warren, your up. Nickt says he already has dedicated lines, a power conditioner and components that he doesn't want to change. He's looking for suggestions for more musical sound and less brightness.

What do you recommend? Sunglasses?

He doesn't say what kind of cabling he's using. Yo! Nickt! What kind of cabling are you using?!

If you like the Krell stuff and want to keep it, try Cardas cables and Shunyata power cords. If they don't help you, nothing will, short of replacing the Krell gear.
Or maybe warren just enjoys being a butthole. peole such as yourself add so much to these forums.
You might give a GNSC PASI unit a try. It will eliminate some glare and edge that comes out of the CDP, at least that's been my experience. Only down side, you'll need a another pair of interconnects.