Speakercable and powercord that thightens bass.

Hi all,
I want speakercables and/or pccord that tightens the bass.

Silver usally tighens bass more than copper but what do you have? What speakers? We need more info before we can recomend something. Also what price range? As I alwas sugest with speaker cables I would find a dealer that will let you demo some.
Agree w/ Geek. I put an Aural Thrills Silver 10 AWG PC on my Depth Subwoofer, and it mad a big difference over the stock PC. I can't say about speaker cable, but the shorter the better for good bass.
A blackwood equipment support wood cone, the patented particles infill ensure linear energy transfer. The very special tungsten infill improve the ultra high frequency performance required by today's SACD and DVD-A standard.

And YES, I do sell them as a dealer. This is a fantastic new product from Japan.

Michael Wolff