Speltz Anti Cables

I am looking for reasonaably priced cables to place between my Classe 10 and North Creek Music Borealis. Right now I am using lower end Kimber cables. I have read some of the comments and statements about the Anit-Calbes and am interested in hearing any input you might have. The price sure is attractive. Up to this point I figures I would go with Kimber 8TC.
All I can say is they sound wonderful bi-wired between my Cayin TA30 and Von Schweikert VR4-II's. They are a bit hard to handle - very stiff, you can bend them easily but they retain shape since they're solid wire.

Bradz: I'm not Jkuc, but i have compared cabling that is very similar in nature to Paul's Anti-Cables to AP Oval 9's. All i will say is that having the AP Oval 9's in one of my systems produced some of the worst listening that i've ever had to endure. Using a single driver full range speaker with no crossover parts between the amplifier and the speaker is extremely revealing and i did not like what i heard when i introduced the Oval 9's into the system at all. It was as if you were listening to a pocket transistor radio i.e. no bass and horribly tizzy treble response. Everyone that heard this system said it sounded horrible, but i kept playing it hoping that it would improve with time.

This was long before any of the glowing reviews came out on the AP cables, as i tried them when they were first released. 500+ hours of break-in wasn't enough. Maybe the AP's sound better after you get 1,000,000,000+ hours on them, i don't know. Obviously, i'd take the "Anti-Cables" over the AP's any day of the week : ) Sean

PS... I could never figure out why AP used one type of cable geometry for their silver cabling and a completely different geometry for their copper cabling. That is, if their computer simulations had shown one of these to be "the best" as their advertising states. If it truly were "the best", there would be no need for any other geometries to be used. In effect, their own products refute their marketing campaign aka "snake oil" and "cable hype".
Thanks for your very informative response Sean. So would the ant-cable work with my Innersound esl and if so, what could I expect as far as difference in sound compared to my AP cables? Thanks
I'm using an anti-cable type product. It's the same wire without Paul's termination. I'm not sure about them yet, I have them between my Classe Omicron and a pair of borrowed Focus speakers, but they aren't doing anything bad!