Speltz Anti Cables

I am looking for reasonaably priced cables to place between my Classe 10 and North Creek Music Borealis. Right now I am using lower end Kimber cables. I have read some of the comments and statements about the Anit-Calbes and am interested in hearing any input you might have. The price sure is attractive. Up to this point I figures I would go with Kimber 8TC.
I twisted them as reccommened and they are very nice. They have no character which could be good or bad but I think they are nice and revealling. I may revert back to my old cables for their character but maybe not. These things have to be heard to believe. I am using Anti jumpers, Anti cables and so far one balanced anti interconnect from pre to amp. I'm expecting one more interconnect for CDP to Pre. I look forward to it.
I like these cables. I was not convinced but am now but I still may go back to a more relaxed yet detailed warmer cable. I don't know yet. I do know they are allot better than I expected and am extremely pleased.
Are these cables really that inexpensive and perform this well? Any retailer out there that sells them or what website?
Just ordered some bulk speaker cable to try out. My monoblocks are close to my speakers, so it'll cost me about $9 per side to biwire.
While I'm no expert or engineer, I have purchased The Speltz wire and many others here on the Gon. Some I was more pleased with than others. After a short in one "Anti-Cable" took me on a trip to my local electronics store looking for a quick fix. I came to find out that this wire I bragged to the store clerk about was really nothing more than Magnetic wire. The clerk lead me to a gigantic roll and said he could cut off as much as I need, the cost is .30c/ft. Paul's marketing tactics are his real talent, kudos to him and please no offense either, I'm sure he is a nice guy. If you can make a living selling Magnetic wire and convincing people who are looking to you with trust that it is worth paying 3-500 times more than it can be purchased for at any electronics store retail then more power to him. Magnetic wire has a thin painted coating on it so that it can be used unshielded amongst other wires without interference. It can be found at most electronics stores because it's widely used, but by other than Paul and the members here it is not known in the electronics world as the pinnacle of a quality signal conductor/wire that it is marketed to be in the audio community. Imagine my surprise to learn that I had again been taken and had purchased wire at 300 times it's retail cost. If it were a component, I could sell it and maybe get out of it without feeling completely burned. But selling used wire and IC's is usually futile, so in the box with the rest of the reptile goo they went and that's where they are today. If you're interested, I'll make you a great deal. By the way, I've got some swamp land you might be interested in too. The abundance of snake oil and marketing hype in the audio world is really unfortunate. More unfortunate are those of us with the big box full of all the tweaks and supposed upgrades we've purchased over the years that we can't get rid of, don't use and can't resell.