Power cords for Modwright 999es

I am a new convert in power cords. Previously i have a synergistic ac master and cardas golden cord, they only enhanced my system slightly and my system had an treble that was occasionally unpleasant on violins. A hydra 8 fed from elrod eps3s completely fixed this problem and now the treble is airy, extended, and yet very continuous and non fatiguing. Additional benefits are 3D imaging, transparency & base.
Changing these two pcs in my system has clear and audible differences immediately. I put the synergistic on the umbilical power supply and the dynamics, base, soundstage increased significantly. I really hoped that pc don't work so i can have a simple cheap sys but they do.

The modwright 999es takes two power cords (one to cdp & one to PS), anyone have any good suggestions.

P.S. Sorry for inventing this thread after the pc for apl 3910. I just need some help.
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I already have the revelation umbilical. Is precept ii better than other popular choices: MiniKhan+, EPS2, Audience, MichaelWolf Source, VD nite?
I removed my Revelation Audio silver umbilical and put in the old copper umbilical and it made a great improvement in my system. I'm using a VD Nite on the player and a Top Gun on the power supply. These are all recomendations of member Jacytoy of DV 50 shootout fame. I'm going to try a TG Audio 688 when I receive it on my power supply.
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