Inter. for Bryston 3BSST/5BST ---- Meridian 561M

Please recommend RCA interconnects for my Meridian 561M processor to 3B SST(for fronts) and 5B ST(for center/rears)

My speakers are JM Lab Electra 926 + CC900 + SR900, and uses Audioquest Bedrock speaker cables.

Not too expensive, but good enough for my systems, good for the money, bang for the buck interconnects.

Not sure what you mean by "not too expensive", but I use Alpha-Core Sapphire IC's with my Bryston 4B-ST and 5B-ST amps and have been very pleased with their performance. You can a used 1.0 meter pair with RCA's for around $200. If that's more than you want to spend, then I'd seriously consider the Kimber Kable Hero IC's, which I think are virtually unbeatable for the buck.
I should have added "not too expensive relative to my overall system value"

yes, around $200 for 1.0 meter pair is about what I'm looking for... Thanks. I'll look both Alpha-Core and Kimber.

Also, I'm considering MIT AVT1/2, Audioquest Diamondback/Jaguar, Transparent Musiclink Plus/Super

Any comments?