Need Help With a Bright System

My system consists of two NAD C 272 monoblocks, an NAD C 162 preamp, and an NAD T 532 DVD player. The speakers are Triangle Antal XS. My problem is that the system can sound pretty edgy and bright on many recordings, particularly rock and pop albums. One very noticeable aspect of this bright sound is edgy vocals that have exaggerated sibilants (i.e. ā€˜Sā€™ sounds). I'm currently using a pair of Kimber Timbre interconnects between the preamp and monos, and Acoustic Research silver series interconnects between the dvd player and the preamp. I was using a pair of Kimber PBJs between the dvd player and preamp, but found the ARs to be warmer and better on the bass. The speaker cables are a pair of Straightwire Quartets, which I believe are plain copper. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get rid of this bright sound? Obviously I wouldn't like to lose detail while doing so, but I understand that this may be a trade off. I'm willing to make a necessary upgrade, but I just want to ensure that whatever I chose to upgrade will definitely take away a lot of the brightness that I currently hear in this system. I know that using a tube amp instead of solid state would make a huge difference, but what else can be done?
I'm not all that sure tube equipment will be your answer. I wouldn't worry about topology (tube/SS) so much as quality. You need something more refined than the NAD you are presently using. I suggest a "band-aid" fix until you upgrade your eletronics. Also, the AC outlet you are using, you might want to change if its old or not high quality. This can make a big difference. I've found that the power amps that I own sound best just pluged in the wall socket. I believe Wiremold makes a power strip which certain Naim dealers recommend. They offer no conditioning. I bought one of these when I had a Naim Nait 5. Works well. (I have one of these around if you're interested.) Another fairly decent conditioner for little $ is the Panamax 1000. Use w/your source equipment. (I know a dealer which has a used one which I'm sure be less than $50.) Bill
I see clearly an electronic issue which might be the case with integration with NAD amps that might be clipping at high freequencies.
Can you try your father's Primaluna with the Triangle speakers? That should be a good match, and could help you decide if the speakers are worth keeping.

I have found that highly detailed budget systems benefit the most from power conditioning. The Furutech and cheaper BPT models can take some of the glare off and can be found for $3-500. Upgrading the source will also help, but can be pricey to get a real improvement.
Wow! So many recommendation, I'm not sure which ones to try first. I know that Best Buy sells some of the Monster power conditioners, so I may be able to try one from there. If it does make a difference and I decide not too overpay, I'll take it back and try for a used one online.

I would like to try swapping out gear with my dad's. However, his source is much better than mine (Marantz SA11). Either way, I'd like to try swapping amps and speakers between the two rooms to hear which is the culprit. I'm pretty confident that matching these speakers with a tube amp will remove most if not all of the harshness.
a quick potential fix. I was trying to use a pair of HT pro silway II (silver and copper)between my CDP (ARC CD-2 going to VTL tube gear then to Dunlavy Athenas) and pre but they had a horrible top end glare while doing a bunch of other things much better than the all copper truth links which didn't have the glare. While experimenting with vibration control to see what i could gain/loose (both did occur depending on what control approach i used) i found that a set of cones/vibropod combo under the CDP took away all the glare while leaving the positives intact. adding some vibropods to your set up may be worth a try along with mass loading. Cheaper than a new pair of speakers