Interconnects for the nuforce amp

Any suggestions? I bought a very fine $200-plus interconnect, but it seemed to slow down the sound and wouldn't play the deepest bass(it also took away a bit of excitement. This has made me gun-shy. I was thinking of the fifty-dollar ccc vampire, just to hear ccc. Others that interest me are audiogeek nitrogen, vh audio pulsars, and I forgot the other. I use(currently) Fulton gold speaker cable and was able to get some Fulton brown interconnects to work(they short out at times-I don't think that is good). I listen only to analog
Thanks Plato. I looked them up. Great introductory price. I may not be able to get both interconnect and speaker cable(I hope that intro price holds) right now. But I do believe in synergy, meaning both(interconnects and speaker cable) designed to go with each other. That's the only thing I have to think about.
I replaced the Fulton browns with MIT original MI-330 interconnects for electrical purposes(a resistor went out my amp-repaired promptly with the updates by Nuforce.) It slowed the sound and my 200-plus interconnects trounced the MIT(this would be expected, as the MITs are 20-something years old). I've e-mailed Signal Cable, but these 200-plus interconnects are really something(the harmonics!).
Plato, I just ordered a 57-inch interconnect and 8 feet of the speaker cable (both silver resolutions) from Signal Cable. Thank you. I just want to be sure that the tinned wire of the speaker cables will fit on Nuforce's Cardas binding posts. I have one other interconnect in my system, between my turntable's rca juntion box and Fidelity Research(it might have silver windings) cartridge transformer. I just purchased an Eichmann I express 6 interconnects, and this or the Oritek X-1 interconnect will go there for now(all my Fulton browns have conductivity problems- by the way, I pulled off one end of one of the Fulton's, and it does not have a copper color. It has a silver color.) What do you think?
I just put in the signal cable silver resolution interconnects. They replaced Eichmann 6(mkI) interconnects that weren't broken in yet. Right at first, I thought they were an improvement. It's only been 15 minutes. They sound a little harsh. Does that go away, or am I a copper guy? I only mention this because other people have said that they are great from the get-go. It's all about brain waves-not what you hear.