Pure Music Question

I have a question about how to use Pure Music with a wireless system. I currently have three systems, one using an Airport Express and two using Apple TV's connected to external DAC's. Music resides in a 1 TB hard drive connected via an Apple Airport wireless. Everything is controlled by iTunes running on an iMac using an iPod Touch with the Remote app.

I have downloaded the Pure Music demo and run into a hitch. It launches seamlessly but fails to play through any of the "speakers" I have selected in iTunes. When playing straight through iTunes without PM, no problem. It does play through my iMac speakers and I think sounds like a big improvement, but who listens through internal desktop speakers?

I have been able to highjack the PM stream and direct it to my systems using Airfoil, but short of using a desktop controller on my iPod Touch, nothing else works. PM seems like a great and reasonably priced upgrade, but to make it practical, I need to be able to use my Touch to control iTunes remotely while PM is running. I have spoken with PM's tech support, but no luck.

Any ideas?
After writing to Pure Music and getting some input from the Computer Audiophile forum, I found out that SQ Touch and Pure Music are different types of computer audio that don't work together. There's some possibility of using Air Foil to somehow work around this, but the consensus seems to be that this is alot of hassle. Too bad because I really like the improvement Pure Music makes over iTunes when heard through my crummy iMac speakers and would love to get that on my main system. But apparently the SQ server and Pure Music are alternative ways of playing files, so its one or the other.If anyone has been able to use PM with their Touch it would be good to know.
That's what I figured. Why not make your life easy and just use mac products? Airport Express, Iphone/Itouch as a remote, and a wifi router (I use an Airport Extreme). You will still need Airfoil if you want to use PM. That's what I do...