cable break in

had a friend ask me if after you break in/burn in your cables are they more or less conductive? i would have to say less conductive, but not sure why? does anyone have a good answer?
Nsgarch, a speaker's volume output varies with voltage and the power consumed is a function of the current and the voltage at the speaker for that voltage.
The amplifier takes in a signal of a certain voltage and increases the voltage to a level which the speaker can respond to. Of course the voltage at the output of the amplifier varies and isn't constant (otherwise the speaker would not get louder if the voltage did not increase) and the speaker draws what ever amps it needs at that specific impedence to produce sound at the given level. So a speaker that has 2.83 V/8ohm/90db sensitivity figure will need 28.3 V for a 100db output and 10 watts consumption. The amp will be suppling about 0.35 amps to the speaker and itself pulling 0.12 amps from the wall, still lower than the speakers.
Your figure of 40V is if the amp at full power at what ever wattage it is capable of supplying (or current) into the speakers at the speakers' impedence. If that power is 400 watts then the current is equal to 10 amps. The current drawn from the wall at 400 watts is, of course, slightly higher than 3.33 amps, still lower than the current going to the speakers.

With respect, Bob P.
Break in takes about 2 weeks average playtime. Biggest differences occur around 48hrs. By the way, I've found MIT shotgun or better level have always outperformed other cables...I've owned alot..I mean ALOT!!
>>Break in takes about 2 weeks average playtime<<

NO NO NO. There is no "average" time for cable break in. It depends on the conductor, conductor geometry, and dilectric. It's different for all cables. Same thing with "biggest differences"; some are linear, others are not. Ask any cable designer.
Your opinion is erroneous and misleading. Readers should take it as your opinion as it is not based on any empirical data.
Stanhifi, you can also say that any break in time is entirely an opinion and not based on any emprical data, as you put it.
Dave B's opinion of 2 weeks average time is no more erroneous than your opinion that there is no "average" time, and no more misleading than yours.
Salut, Bob P.
It is not my opinion sir; it is based on conversations with a number of cable designers. Thanks for your informative contribution.