Here is the system is using the wire in, if 6AWG is overkill why aren't they using smaller guage wire. Can this wire compete with expensive stuff? I read in another post that when biwiring the high and low runs should be seperated? Will biwiring always sound better if done correctly?
What's in the BIG RIG? (June 20, 2005)
The components listed herein are not so designated because they are, or are not, the basis for a Bound for Sound reference system. Nothing so profound or meaningful is intended. Instead, the products listed below are those that happen (by design or serendipity) to be in the Big Rig on the date above - it could change the next day (and sometime it does).
What this page does is let you see what's being auditioned at a given point in time, and therefore know what components are likely to be reviewed in upcoming issues. And as for reference pieces, the more times you see it here, the more likely yours truly feels it to be of special merit.
Equipment rack: Arcici Suspence Rack and two Michael Green Clamp Racks.
Isolation bases: Osiris amp stands
Turntable and Digital Transport stand: Michael Green Clamp Racks
Digital Transport: Camelot with Foundation Research LC 1
Digital Processor: Benchmark
CD Player: Combak Reimyo
DSP Unit: Camelot Dragon with homemade Lowe's 6 awg power cord
Turntable: Clearaudio Champion Level 2 with FR LC1 Power Cord
Cartridge: Red Rose Rose Petal
Tonearm: Rega 300 (modified by Clearaudio)
Phono Stage: Emmaline XR-10B
Interconnects: RWA & Aural
Preamp: Emmaline II Stealth
Power Amp: NU Force Reference 8
Speaker cables: Lowe's 6 awg
Loudspeakers: VMPS RM 40 (latest version)
Subwoofer: M & K
AC Line Conditioning: Audience
DVD Video: Camelot Round Table
Phase Correction: none
Accessories: Lloyd Walker Valid Point system, Argent RoomLens & Right Way Cable Suspenders, Tritium #15 line Triphaser on amps
What's in the BIG RIG? (June 20, 2005)
The components listed herein are not so designated because they are, or are not, the basis for a Bound for Sound reference system. Nothing so profound or meaningful is intended. Instead, the products listed below are those that happen (by design or serendipity) to be in the Big Rig on the date above - it could change the next day (and sometime it does).
What this page does is let you see what's being auditioned at a given point in time, and therefore know what components are likely to be reviewed in upcoming issues. And as for reference pieces, the more times you see it here, the more likely yours truly feels it to be of special merit.
Equipment rack: Arcici Suspence Rack and two Michael Green Clamp Racks.
Isolation bases: Osiris amp stands
Turntable and Digital Transport stand: Michael Green Clamp Racks
Digital Transport: Camelot with Foundation Research LC 1
Digital Processor: Benchmark
CD Player: Combak Reimyo
DSP Unit: Camelot Dragon with homemade Lowe's 6 awg power cord
Turntable: Clearaudio Champion Level 2 with FR LC1 Power Cord
Cartridge: Red Rose Rose Petal
Tonearm: Rega 300 (modified by Clearaudio)
Phono Stage: Emmaline XR-10B
Interconnects: RWA & Aural
Preamp: Emmaline II Stealth
Power Amp: NU Force Reference 8
Speaker cables: Lowe's 6 awg
Loudspeakers: VMPS RM 40 (latest version)
Subwoofer: M & K
AC Line Conditioning: Audience
DVD Video: Camelot Round Table
Phase Correction: none
Accessories: Lloyd Walker Valid Point system, Argent RoomLens & Right Way Cable Suspenders, Tritium #15 line Triphaser on amps