Cerious cables - Proper setup and run in time

Results on testing Cables especially Cerious cables
These cables need at least 4 days to settle in, if you take them out of the system, (The process starts over again.)That is the only proper way to do this , because of the liquid ceramic , that is the only way to fairly judge them point 2. if your loudspeakers are over 90 db effficient Bob needs to know at Cerious , also if you are in a high Magnetic area such as airports. Bob would rather not have to sheild them if possible. High efficiency
loudspeakers will bring out hum for sure in a non sheilded cable ,that is why results showed this on a 101db loudspeakers at Srajans .Try the test under these guide lines I have laid down, after 4 days you will see a totally more positive result, a very natural not pushed presentation. Please remember , and try this,
many times people get used to artificial enhancments
Like a Valhala cable for example excellent in some areas and applications,way to clinical in other systems dependand as in most all cables,
and preference .Go to a symphony and listen,
things in life are ususally smoother than you experience on a playback system ,especially cd , ananlog is allways smoother .I have been a audio engineer for over 30 years and have voiced several electrostatic loudspeakers .
Where in the midrange they are natural, and magical.
The big debate on reference cables, compared to in life , or not, also Bob at Cerious needs to ask how efficient
the speakers are,impedances, and the environment and surroundings to
give sheilded cables if needed .This will become standard procedure soon. Happy listening, PJ.
This is a response that I posted at Audio Asylum

Reply to: You will not hear their benefit the first day you get them. nt posted by Norm on October 14, 2005 at 20:28:47:

I recieved a 2 meter Balanced Cerious Interconnect pair yesterday.
When I first put them into my system they sounded dull, very dull.
Today, 24 hours later they sound kinda bright.
This change occurred without the system running, just being left in place!

This is contrary to every other cable I have tried. I own a AudioDharma Cable Cooker and I believe in cables break in.

The Cerious cables claim they dont need break in. Well that maybe true sort of, but, they need settling time!. Constant unplugging them will nevr give them a chance to grow to their potential.
This should have been clearly spelled out in Cerious Tech Internet site and with a letter enclosed with the cables.

Both the 6 Moons reviewer guy and Cerious Cables owner should be flogged with the cables of their choice for not understanding this and making it clear!!!

People that own them recommend 3 to 4 days left alone for settling time and that is what I intend to do.
Then I will compare it to my Cable Company trial Harmonic Tech Cyber ligts.
Seems we're going over some of the same ground on the CT cables, so I'll simply add something different. My feeling about the CT ICs are on record on other threads. One of my main principles in auditioning audio gear is never to make a decision on a new product without (sometimes extensive) tweaking to allow the system to sound it's best with the new component. This virtually always helps if the new product is reasonably good, and it certainly did with the CTs. I'm talking about relatively easy tweaks, like changing speaker positioning or toe-in, changing head (listening) position in small increments, experimenting with any room treatments (including audio room products, stuffed chairs, rugs, curtains), trying a different power cord, etc. Since I have a reference and keep extensive notes about what the details of that reference (including all the aforementioned things) that I have worked very hard to optimize, I can easily make changes after insertion of a new product and see if the OVERALL sound is now better or worse. If it's better it's clear to me that the new product is a "keeper". I can't help but think this may be happening with some people who find the CTs lacking. Just my thoughts from my own experience, of course.
Sorry re "I can't help but think 'this' may be happening with some people who find the CTs lacking". I meant to say that NOT tweaking might be a reason for some of the difference in opinion about such things as high-end extension, lack of transient "snap", etc. That is, if people are not tweaking after insertion they be disrupting the balance they've attained and like with their current system. Naturally this is just theory on my part.
REgarding hum, FWIW. I have a pair of CT interconnects. When connected between my EXemplar CD player and preamp, no hum. When I demo'd the Wavelength Brick DAC instead of the Exemplar, yes hum. When I popped in Nirvana SL interconnects into the latter arrangement, no hum. It seems to validate the observation on 6moons that different configurations of equipment have different grounding planes, some of which the CT's do not like. -- David
What on Earth is a liquid ceramic? Sorry, but the Cerious site's pseudo technical discussion on the underlying technology looks intentionally confounding and smacks of new age technobabble. While I have no problem purchasing a product whose underlying technology I do not understand, I have a lot of problems purchasing a product whose technology I perceived to be clothed in intentional misdirection, confusion, and pseudoscientific garble.