Electraglide Epiphany vs Kubala-Ssna vs....

I'm a big fan of the electraglide epiphany, and have two of them. I just purchased a set of Nagra VPA tubed monos and will need two more PC's. They will both go into a model 80A3 Isoclean power conditioner.

Obv I am partial to the EG's but i want to keep an open mind. The isoclean SuperFocus is also quite nice - maybe a bit more musical than the ultra-transparent epiphany.

I am very interested in hearing what your experience with the Kubala vs the epiphany - and no conversation about PC's would be complete without adding Purist and Elrod, so comparisons between them and the epiphany woudl also be welcome.

THANKS in advance - Art
Hi Tele-tubey, first off where the &%#* have you been on this thread. You do need to pay better attention when Art and I are talking behind your back. Secondly, I would like you to change your moniker to Tele-tubey, It's perfect!

OK John, you can go back into your cave while I talk to the other folks here...

...Is he gone yet?

Good, now what John doesn't know is the next addenda item is his digital front end. I will need the support of others here, but the Manely DAC and Whatever Lens and a Best Buy transport really must go. We tried the DAC at my house and it lost so much of everything, that I know for a fact a new single box digital is in John's future!

Now we need to keep this secret from John for awhile longer, too much advancement into the 21st century is dangerous for some. So for now, not a word...

...poor John, he was far better off when I was not comfortable teasing him. Oh well, it's a two sided relationship. He could boot me any time now, so those of you who believe in John's potential for change may need to take over.

For now,

Oh yes, don't tell TeleTuby I will be trying to convince him to get the single-box Teac Esoteric X-01 like the one I am breaking in right now. At the 80 hrs mark, even through the admittedly crappy AudioQuest Quartz RCA into my senescing ARC LS2B and a stock chord on X-01 to boot, I am already drunk with sound!
Gentlemen, I must tell you a secret....I really REALLY like this DAC. I know it is way way way into the warm fuzzy zone for JD, but even he must admit it did piano in a most drop-dead gorgeous manner in his system. It gave the piano realistic size in his system that his Sony simply did not. And for me being an LP guy, this DAC just gets me closer to that world. And who needs the bottom and top octaves anyway! So there! So until you guys can find me a more refined digital processor with all this DAC's magic, I am keeping this gem chained to my "sofa-table" audio rack. No comment please!

As for the BestBuy transport...how the heck did he know this? We must take JD's tarot cards away from him so he will get to sleep on time!

And Guido, please no more mention of the LS2. I have enough issues with heartburn already. I have an idea: maybe we can sacrifice the BestBuy transport and the LS2 through a ceremony given by Medium MacRae.
John, to tell you the truth, I just discovered tonight why my XXX linestage is so enjoyable. . . it is not the XXXX per se, it's the Gutwire Synchrony XLR that connects it to the JRDG 7M.
I just replaced the Gutwire temporarily with a Cardas Neutral Ref, as I want to take the former along for a weekend musical trip to the Aris Audio openhouse event in Salt Lake City. When I reconnected the system I thought I had just suffered a severe brain lesion. . . nasty nasty nasty!!! The ancient spruce of strings has been replaced by plywood. All pianos are now made from particle board. Did not try any vocals. . . I am afraid of what I would find. O yes, did I mention the bass is now angry and bloated?
And there. . . my XXXX linestage is now nameless. . . . but seriously the Cardas neutral Ref ruined my entire system!
In my view the Gutwire Synchrony is a kind of unsung tube-lover's hero. . . I am looking forward toward pitting it against worthier opponents than the Neutral Ref.