Anyone heard the new Virtual Dynamics Revelation?

I had the chance to talk to Rick Schultz at RMAF and I looked at the Revelation cable but Have never heard anything about them. Any comments?
128x128nrchy just did a review on the Revelation series cables. Perry compared this series with some other cables in the review. Rick also explains how the Revelation cable came to market. Nice Review and also confirms why I enjoy VD cables in my system. Read and enjoy the review!! Brian
Hi,I replaced 3 revalation power cords with revelation sigs and it is pretty amazing.Rick Schultz knows his stuff.
I went from the david digital to the revelation signature. Talk about a leap! I have to say its a nice leap however. I hear the depth and detail. I know the david does well in its class, so the david is no chump! I guess like David (no chump) in the bible beating Gilioth. It is like there is more life in the music.

I have several david pc and they do so well so I cant imagine the revelation power cords doing much better. I am guessing that Rick has somehow managed to build a Revelation pc thats stunning. I have yet to have the blessing to hear them in my system.

I just keep getting more impressed with what Virtual Dynamics does. I my early days, Synergistic research where my cables, but I heard the david pc from the Cable Comapany and that all changed.