Opinions on Straght wire?

I see this brand around but don't read much about them in the mags. Anyone ever used the stuff? Any good?
I have tried 2 straightwire speaker cables and interconnects. The Serenade is a nice cable for the money and very forgiving of system deficiencies. Straightwire Virtuoso is not so forgiving of deficiencies and was harsh when used with a Citation amp and Denon preamp. When I switched to an EAD preamp/amp combination the Virtuoso became one of my favorite cables with strong mid bass charachter and resolution. It was far better then the Serenade when used with the EAD components. I biamp my speakers and prefer Audience AU 24 or Stealth PGS for the treble and the Virtuoso for the mid bass.
i really like the serenade and the crescendo... the crescendo is one of my long term favorites ( big bold sound) and the serenade is a fantastic bargain.....

like anytihng system dependant..
Straight Wire has been around a long time and their products are competitive above their respective proce categories. They are just well made and designed cables that, IMO, have a model to perform as well as needed in any system. Again IMO, the Maestro II and Virtuoso are balanced more towards neutral and accurate, with good to great resolution, balance, speed, etc. I think the Serenade is very smooth with good bass control/extension, but is suited more for less than optimally setup but high performing solid-state systems.
I like the The Maestro II in my system. It's a lively cable, a little bright sounding but still quite enjoyable.