New Helix PowerSnakes Cable From Shunyata ?

Hi, just like to know is Shunyata launching their new line of Helix PowerSnakes Cable ?

I notice from their website that the color of Taipan, Python & Anaconda are difference. They also indicated "New Helix PowerSnakes "

I would wait, the price you were about to pay for the Red Python Vx will probably drop in the next couple months.

I did notice this on their website, and they did a pretty bad job on the site, if I do say so myself. If you click on the Anaconda Helix link, it gives you the specs of the Anaconda, under the title of Python Helix Alpha & VX.
Pretty confusing. Maybe they just rushed to put it up there Friday afternoon, who knows?

Gee, I wonder if I can get all my King Cobras & Anacondas UPGRADED to Helix series, or put them up for sale.
I dou doubt any old series PC can be reworked to become a PC of the new series. You might have to sell and repurchase.
O.k. I had cancelled my transaction.

Anyway, I am in no hurry to get a power cord unless the offer is really good. Currently still using the stock power cord for my SACD player.

Thanks for the advise.
Jeremy, at this point there are only two things we can be reasonably comfortable forecasting:
1. The new Helix series will sound somewhat different from the old powersnakes.
2. The introduction of the new series may cause a number of current owners to sell their old wires and purchase the new corresponding Helix wires, causing an eventual slight drop in asking price for the old series on the used market.
NOTE: In point 1 I deliberately state 'different' instead of 'better'. It's not that the Helix can't be 'better' than the old series, but rather that no one has reported their preferences and observations on the Helix line one way or another.