New Helix PowerSnakes Cable From Shunyata ?

Hi, just like to know is Shunyata launching their new line of Helix PowerSnakes Cable ?

I notice from their website that the color of Taipan, Python & Anaconda are difference. They also indicated "New Helix PowerSnakes "

I have just heard that Shunyata has started shipping the Helix powersnakes series and that prices are largely unchanged from the old snakes.
The Taipan is an excellent cable. It really brought the detail and dynamics out. Compared to what I had previously tried with a Michael Wolff Silver Carbon power cord which was dull and smeared the midrange.

The Taipan had controlled and smooth full bass. While the Wolff cord was thinned bass and uneventful.

Good job on the Taipan desgn., yours is good information, but does not seem specific to the new Helix series. It may be best for you to repost it to the PC flavor thread to:
Guidocorona wrote "The principle appears to b that counterrotating spirals of conductors cause strands to cross at 90 degree angles, minimizing inductance and capacitance. The core of the PC is apparently hollow."

There used to be patents listed for both the winding geometry and the "magic dust" used in these designs on the website.

I read them both. The winding geometry description was difficult to follow and I couldn't tell in what way this layup differs from other cables that use a woven geometry such as Kimber, etc.

It is amazing what can be patented these days. I would have thought that this weave is not sufficiently different to all prior artwork of this type to merit a patent award.

I DIYed a couple of powercords many years ago and used a similar weave. It did seem to work better than the same wires just bundled together.