Electra Glide Ultra Kahn II and NOISE

I just got an Electra Glide Ultra Kahn II for my Theta Dreadnaught II and it hums! Not a big "must have the polarity wrong" hum like the last EG chord I got, but a very annoying hum none the less. Anyone else run into this? Will it go away? Sounds good otherwise. The Verastarr that this replaces was relatively black in comparison. I'm ready to give up on this manufacturer. The amp end does not fit snuggly and for this price...you would think they would gold plate the contacts at least.
Same thing happened to me when I tried a few of the EG cables, including the one you listed.

My system is very sensitive to proper grounding. The EG cables do not have a ground conductor. No matter where I put them (e.g. amp, cdp, etc.) the system hummed like crazy, and was unlistenable. I put my grounded power cables back in, no problem.
1markr is correct. The Electraglide PC that you have does not have the ground conductor and the Theta Dreadnaught II amp (that I am currently auditioning in my system) requires a PC with the ground. Also, IMO, the EG UKII is a PC that is better suited for use on a source component rather than an amp. I currently use an Epiphany on a CDP and it works very well there.
Thanks guys, I never would have thought that the chord was not grounded...it is run to a PS UO though...would'nt that ground it? What other cables do you all rcommend like the EG? I like the sonic charachteristics it claims and am thinking that I may even like an all silver flavour.

Meanwhile I'll try it on my Ayre preamp...