Choosing between the following three cable brands

Following many great comments and discussions with fellow inmates and manufacturers... I've shortlist down to the following for my system.
1. PureNote Paragon i/c and spr cable
2. Gurreilla Sivlver Push/pull spkr cable
3. Cerious Technology i/c and spkr cable

MBL 1531 CDP
I/C: Harmonix HS101GP 1.5mm XLR
P/C: Gutwire PowerClef SQ going into PS Audio P500

ARC Reference 3 Preamp
I/C: Harmonix HS101GP 1.0mm XLR
P/C: VH Audio Airsine going into PS Audio P500

Krell FBP 200 C
internal P/C to wall

Speakers: Verity Audio Fidelio Encore
S/C: Harmonix HS101 2.5mm single wire

PS Audio P500 PowerPlant with Labcable into wall.

Music: Bocelli, Pavarotti, Sarach Brightman, Secret Garden, YOYO Ma and general violin concerto.

Lacking: speed + dynamics, Cello doesn't dive deep on base at all.
Jeff (Apogee): Your experience is the same as mine with the CTs, including the issue of volume and dynamics. Since a previous post a while ago, I have checked out how deep the cables reproduce bass notes. I find no problem there, in fact I find the CTs to be better at reproducing deep bass in general. That is, if the definition of "better" includes reproducing INDIVIDUAL bass notes clearly differentiated in pitch from other bass notes.
unfortunately purenote cancelled my order after two weeks of non delivery and problems with their supply. Hence, back to square one again. Hearing CT is also taking forever to get orders out to customers. Seems like the economy is just too strong and demand outstripping supply. I am still using all Harmonix setup, with powercable by VH audio and Gutwire. The airsine and flavour 4 are very musical cables indeed.
>>Hearing CT is also taking forever to get orders out to customers.<<
Maybe not. Srajan of 6moons just sent his back in favor of the Zu Varial which are half the price. Didn't like the Cerious' high end. Where have I seen that before? Anyway, check out the final review at 6moons.
what about the Zu variel ? - Zu ibus speaker cable .
I have done a lot of camparison, especially after the 6moons shootout against the great stealth Indra,
They were spot on , the Varial is excellent ,I had Audience au-24 , and steath Meta carbons.
they give you a 60 day trial , with nothing to loose .
Within the first few days I can hear things the others miss with their patented technology even at several times the price ,my freinds Crystal reference ,and harmonix was just not as good and 3x the price.No hype this time ,