Need advice for power cord on PS Audio UPC 200

Hey everybody! I would appreciate some experience here as I am getting a PS Audio UPC 200.. and would like very much to gain some insights as to other's experiences with passive conds. and the power cords they have found make the best fit.

I don't think I want to get into a ton of dough here... maybe $300 or $400 tops, new or used.... and likely less. VooDoo and Flavor are on the list currently, in that order.

I do plan to use it on strickly the BAT VK500, but am not sure it will be 'dedicated' to that end. 90%, though. (Depends on performance gain... and may wind up on digital components, but the goal now is the amp).

Any notions, ideas, and certainly experience (s) with passive conditioners and of course this UPC 200 (brand new), would be more than appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
just to give this a kick.. and being back in the hunt for another power cord for the same application... I figured to revitalize this thread vs. posting another... Same Q... slightly different now...

"What cord works well with the BAT VK500 & a passive conditioner?" upc200 or Hydra 2... personally, there's but a tiny diff from one to the other, but they differ fur sure.

I'm thinking maybe aZ Krakatoa, Gargantua, Elrod, Syn Master AC x2, and or VooDoo Tesla ... Any thoughts aobut these or another worth having?

Thanks very much
With my Shunyata Hydra conditioner I tried:
Shunyata Diamondback, VH Audio Flavor-4, Audience, Sunyata Taipan Alpha and now have Shunyata Taipan Helix Alpha.

Considering your budget, I would recommend Shunyata Taipan Alpha. I tried VH Flavor-4 with Furutech gold connectors on my Hydra conditioner and gave it a full break in of 400 hours. I thought it was a pretty cord and an improvement over the Shunyata Diamnondback I was using there prior to Flavor-4, but Taipan Alpha is better. Also, I didn't like how stiff the Flavor-4 cord is. It's very tough to maneuver if it isn't a straight shot from the conditioner to the wall. In my system the Taipan cords were the best.
thanks as always.

Yes the taipan Helix is a good one. I've had them throughout my system. at one time on each item in there. All at once. A really sweet sounding cord. though on the amp a better fit tonally was the Python helix... though it bloated the sound stage out of proportion, and likely due to the other Python helix VX on the CDP.

So I'm looking around in that general arena of the Python and up cords for the task of driving the amp. Don't want to get too pricey. I may well just go with a stop gap measure for the time being unless another BAT owner says differently. though I'm considering the Elrod Sig. II & III, and some ideas of my own... like I've never heard AZ wires at all. Like the Krakatoa, and Gargantua... or the Tesla II from Bruce at VooDoo. (I've three other Dragons already).

Then there is the Purist line of Dominus cords, but I get the impression they may be too soft a fit for me at that spot.

If I'm going to go off on a cord there right now, it needs be one that has an enveloping sound stage that encroaches into the listening position a tad, has great bottom end tunefullness and sweet highs... and all the other junk that should be there at those price points. Dynamics, weight, imagery, etc.
If I'm going to go off on a cord there right now, it needs be one that has an enveloping sound stage that encroaches into the listening position a tad, has great bottom end tunefullness and sweet highs... and all the other junk that should be there at those price points. Dynamics, weight, imagery, etc.

then the Flavor-4 may not fit your needs. When I had it running from Hydra2 to the wall I had the Audience powerChord from amp to Hydra. I found the Flavor to be a little forward on highs and thin in bass. It was extremely detailed. I'd say a bit too much so. Soundstage was pretty well layered but still, with images that were a bit thinner than I like. Of course in your system it may be different, since you know how it is with PCs, they don't sound the same in all systems. But just to make sure I was hearing what I thought I was hearing with the Flavor cord, I swapped the cords on the amp from Audience to Shunyata D-back to Acoustic Zen Tsunami Plus and the character of the Flavor cord was pretty much the same throughout. I don't know how important the cord is from the wall to the UPC, but with Hydra it seems to be the first cord to worry about, as I prooved with Taipan.
I think the new Taipan Helix is excellent. Very neutral, very dynamic. Shows the truth. I think it is an improvement from the previous Taipan as that one did seem to be a bit bloated in comparison to Helix. I find the Taipan Helix cord not to sound as fat as the older Taipan Alpha. FWIW.
Good Luck!!!
Thanks, Audphile1

yeah, the Taipan helix is a quicker cord than the previous Taipan. Sweeter too. I thought the previous Taipan to be a tad dull. Smooth and evenly balanced, but no sparkle. Not terribly dynamic. the Helix ver in my system still has the smoothness but with some better bass response and impact, yet not anything dramatic. A nice PC. Well mannered. Detailed and sweet. that last bit is what gets my money. that attribute alone, is quite the thing, introducing more color to the tones. Natrually and subtlely, not exaggerated or unduely.

Now I need a PC that will bring it altogether. I suspect which ever one that is will be a bit more costly than the average PC prices. Given the level of performance I seek. Hope not but it probably will. IN the interim, I'll keep a tryin'' some out and see what fits.

Acoustic Zen's upper end of PC interests me. Although I can't find much about the Krakatoa.