Has anyone experianced Synesthesia?

To be more specific Auditory Synesthesia, from what I understand it is quite rare. At least when it isn't induced by hallucinogenics or other narcotics.

For those of who don't know what it is, it is basically a swapping of sensory perception. Like tasting sound, hearing colors and so on. As you may have guessed I can, at times, (not always, it's not some superpower) see sound traveling through the air like 3D ripples propagating in water...... A gift? I'm not so sure, it can make driving quite difficult when it kicks in.

However it has brought me to where I am today.....

Upon reflection I think it is a lot like A.D.H.D. (which I also have) - not a disease. You see, if control is learned or achieved over A.D.H.D., you can function on a different level than most.

My A.D.H.D (after mastering it's quirks) has made my life easier. By design A.D.H.D. makes your brain work at high speeds, hence the trouble children have with it. I found that if I could process the high speed information coming in, I could use it just as fast. Something I'm teaching my son to do now, hopefully saving him the problems I had adjusting as a child.

Like I said it is not a disease, in fact I believe it is a gift.

I just hope the Synesthesia can be just as useful. So let me know what you think..... disease or gift? Any extra information on this condition (Synesthesia) would be greatly appreciated.

Also I'd like to add that I am not an audio genius or anything, just like the A.D.H.D., you have to know what to do with the information coming in.

Synesthesia Studios
Like seeing big fat deep sounds coming toward you about a foot or two from the floor up,,while higher sounds seem to float a little higher in space and around ear level or a little higher.They are so real that you feel like you can cup one of the pretty little notes in your hand when they go floating by you,,but not quite.Is that the same thing?
01-03-13: Tpreaves, I do easily take offense to some comments, so if you were just messing around I apologize, If not, I don't.

What am I selling? Are you kidding? The name was bestowed upon me by friends. Since they are familiar with my condition and yes I have a studio/sound room. Just yesterday your comments to me were to be indifferent to others idea's about me.

"You like what you like. Why care what others think? That's just my uninformed take on your situation." Remember????

So why the sarcasm? Besides do you see any listings on Audiogon from me? The Synesthesia Studios name is used for local non-profit work only.

I won't/can't divulge the name of my company online. But I will tell you what I do. It's called "Executive Protection" and you'd get billed $600 an hour (plus expenses) just for me to stand next to you - In the U.S. that is, overseas work costs much, much, more.

I changed to that career when the economy tanked. I was in the audio business for a long time before that. Come to think of it you should probably look up both Synesthesia and Executive Protection. It might enlighten you a bit.

After all, I get shot at for a living... what do you do? Maybe you wake up have a cup of coffee, and read the paper? You know your routine, right?

Me? I get up, put my body armor on, a nice suit, check my sidearm, radio, three phones, squad car, and my long gun in the trunk. So please excuse me if I seem a little jaded, just the thought of being some cheap ass salesman with a gimmick or cleaver name is unthinkable (until you brought it up). I give more everyday than most do in a lifetime!!!

"What am I selling?"...... Perhaps my soul, but not my dignity. So I'm sorry if I jumped on you, but I bite back when I feel threatened or insulted. I Hope you meant neither.

01-03-13: Raytheprinter, I gotta tell you that your description is very close to how I experience Synesthesia,
I tend to equate my visuals to ripples in water - but in 3D. The lows have bigger ripples, while the highs are more like vibrations on the surface of the water. And most definitely the air seems thicker - like you could drink it.

Keep in mind that nobody experiences it in the same way.

Synesthesia Studios
I'm still trying to getit.
Is it some substance that you can consume orally, IV or snorting so you get to listen better?

I'm born hyper and my current consumption of cannabinoids(of various kinds including meal spices) helps me to sleep and function focused.

As you understand, I also wouldn't care if it's not FDA approved so as cannabinoids.

And last, don't take neither me or Tpreaves seriously. If you have lost sense of humor, I can share how cannabinoids can establish or cure lost sense of humor.
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