alphacore users break in question

Just upgraded to Alphacore MI2 spk cable. I demoed these before I purchased and they were phenomenol in my system. Is there a huge improvement after break in with these cables? After about 10 hrs the new cables sound horrible. The demo cables were a bi wire pair 15' long and mine are 4 pair 30' long. My dealer assured me that they would sound the same at 30'. I hope they will.

I used to use Alpha Core IC's exclusively throughout my system. My experience with Alpha Core cables is that they need little break-in, if any. Also, they are a bit unique in that since they don't use a shield (and break-in is minimal) their connection orientation is not critical. I believe that the company addressed the speaker roll-off problem with an inductive link incorporated directly into the loudspeaker cable. Do your speaker cables have the inductors and are you sure the value is appropriate for your system?

Rgds, John
Can you be a bit more specific about what is "horrible" about the sound you are hearing? For example, are the high frequencies too pronounced, or the lows muddy, etc.

I did not find that my biwire pair of MI2 cables needed much break-in (although they are only 9' long). The one factor I can think of that might be affecting your cables is amplifier oscillation. The AC speaker cables are known to cause oscillation with SOME amplifiers (such as Adcom), which is why you should use a pair of Zobel networks attached to the speaker connection points. AC provides an inexpensive pair of Zobel networks, but I suggest you make a set using high-quality resistors and capacitors (costs about $25 for the pair). Look in the A-gon archives for the old threads that discuss the R and C values you need.
Thanks for the responses. I am using Vandersteen 3A sig with stereo 2WQs. Amps are Parasound JC 1s. As I stated before the Alphacore MI2 I demoed were fantastic. The demo cables had no extra networks or capacitors. Sound is slow with very little mid bass. Midrange is harsh and distorted. Sound stage is small and flat. No life at all. If these cables are not going to get better with break in they are a huge dissapointment at the 30' length, especially given my excellent experience with the demo cables.

From what I understand Sdcampbells advise regarding the use of Zobels might (should?) be considered regardless of your use with the loaner cables that may not have had them.
I was thinking about these cables with my JC1s but was worried about the oscillation thing also so I double checked and rcrump said the JC1s have a zobel built in - that cannot be the issue for you.

Perhaps just the high capacitance is the cause considering the length.