BlackSand PC question

Has anyone tried their power cords?
Also where do they rank among all other cords in the $100 -$300 range. I always see them up for auction here and I can't find any reviews on them. Someone must be buying them.
Trip,just a sugestion,,check Backsands feedback and email some of the customers.Peace,Ray
Thanks Ray, I was checking out their feedback, just looking for a little more detail on them thats all.
Hey Trip, I've not had the opportunity to try the Black Sand yet, but I'm hesitant because I haven't had good experiences with power cords that have ferrite chokes in them. I did have the Odyssey Stratos( an excellent s.s. amp,by the way) and I feel that for @$169.00 the new DCCA Powerwave Extreme would be a great cord in your system in your price range. The designer gives a 30 day money-back guarantee, so what have you got to lose but a few $ for shipping ? I have tried many, many cords in your price range and IMHO the Powerwave is the hands-down winner. Excellent neutrality,transparency and tremendous dynamics for the bucks. This cord is very fast and I feel would be an excellent match for your amp. Good luck.