To all of you....

We of Ridge Street Audio want to exprees our gratitude for ALL of you: To our clients who have or are becoming our friends, to all the enthusiasts here who we haven't had the pleasure of corresponding with...yet but certainly have made this hobby richer for us, and to those we've probably offended one way or another that I'm certain if we could sit down togeter for a meal like today's, we would surely appreciate the souls each other.

Thank You one and all...y'all ROCK!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Robert and Associates
Post removed 
My thanks also Robert.You have become like family AND good friends, both.Many wondeful wishes to you, your associates, and your family during this Thanksgiving Day!

Kind Regards,
Happy Thanksgiving to all Americans !

From a happy RSA XLR Poiema!! and Poiema! sp cable user in Africa.