Could some one explain how to buy best cables?

Economically that is. I am really confused. I look at clasified and there is price range from few hundred to few thousands! I am in market for interconnects for my new 'small' Jadis electronics based system.

Could you explain how to differentiate between snake oil and real thing?
What constitutes SOA cable?
What does $X000 cable does that $x00 does not?


I'm sure you will get plenty of recommendations full of anecdotal evidence speaking of detail, air, soundstage, etc.

However, I do not believe there has ever been a blind test where anyone could sonically differentiate a very expensive cable vs. a cheap cable beyond normal random chance.

Get some nicely made cables from and you'll be fine.

If the desire is to have something a little more special, then have the cables made with the Belden teflon stuff. It'll add about $15 per pair.

If you have a ton of $$ that you're just dying to spend, there will be plenty of other recommendations coming...

Dare to be different.
Money rarely has anything to do with it, Nil.

Rather it appears to have everything to do with quality of parts, workmanship, and methodology.

For example, the Paul Speltz' Anti-ics at $100 for a 1 meter XLR pair blew away my pair of $3500 (retail) XLR ics making them sound veiled and bloated.

But then again my $700 ics are distictly better than the $100 ics as well as adding a bit of magic to the final presentation.

I think the main thing to listen for in any sc or ic is time-smear. You want as little time-smear as possible because time smear causes the highs to sound grainy and harsh and fatiguing and will corrupt the definition of the lower bass frequencies.

In my limited experience, excessive time-smear is a very common negative trait to find in scs and ics.

The above generally is good advice. Except perhaps within a manufacturer's lines of cables, there rarely is a hard and fast correlation between price and quality of a cable--there are giant-killers out there and there are giants too. Your JOR (I was thinking of bidding on that piece myself!) is a good enough piece of equipment that you will benefit from cables that are better than zip cord or the patchcords included with your sources, but the particular sound that suits you (and believe me, EVERY cable degrades the sound to some extent, so they can and do sound different) will depend on your ears and your budget. Try to find a dealer who will let you borrow several wires in your price range and let your ears decide. The Cable Company is pretty good as a source for cable lending, if you don't have a good local dealer. And there are also a number of cable manufacturers who will give money-back trials of their wires, as noted above.
Money and cable quality have nothing to do with each other.
200-300 should get you all you will ever need. There are many on here who do this for an ego stroke, let them piss good money after bad.
In a way I know the answer since in my main system, I had to go thru similar trial and error process about 7-8 years ago. The cables I ended up with and still happy with are NOT the most expensive I tried. Even from similar makes, I ended up with 'cheaper' ones, because they sounded perfect for my system. At the same time the mystique of the most expensive cables from say MIT or Purist audio or Kimber remained. I remember Mr Dunlavy believed in simplistic and inexpensive cable designs. Since I am proponent of Dunlavy Speakers, I tend to believe his theories.

But still, regardless of price, is silver or gold or copper is better owing to the improved conductivity? If say silver is better, than I understand the price since silver does not come cheap. So there has to be some rational...