This is a minor correction to my last post in this thread.
Jitter is measured in picoseconds, not nanoseconds. That's how sensitive clock circuits are. Jitter in the order of 300+ picoseconds already has a major impact on sound quality from a digital source. You'll hear that as a "fuzzy" imprecise soundtage.
One picosecond is one milionth of one milionth of a second, or ten to the minus twelve for you techies...
You don't need much to cause harm!
Jitter is measured in picoseconds, not nanoseconds. That's how sensitive clock circuits are. Jitter in the order of 300+ picoseconds already has a major impact on sound quality from a digital source. You'll hear that as a "fuzzy" imprecise soundtage.
One picosecond is one milionth of one milionth of a second, or ten to the minus twelve for you techies...
You don't need much to cause harm!