Why do new cables needs to be "broken" ???

Could some one please explain me why do new cables needs to be run minimum 10 hours before the sound quality to stabilise ? What are the mechanical explanations ?
Pierre the only logical reason is that the cable doesn't burn in at all. Your amp and speakers must unlearn the old cables by gradually adjusting to the new cables' capacitance, inductance and conductivity. Think outside the box and you'll get it.

So nice people like John and Richard at Audience can repair or replace speaker cables free of charge when orthopedic mongoloid cretans like myself break them by tripping over them.
Rgaims...sounds like you have quite a hobby there. Enjoy!

Hi Pabelson. Thanks for sharing your experience. So, when you were a listener, you changed from what to what? When you're not a listener, are the changes still evident or do you revert back? If you don't revert back, do you change more and more every time you become a listener?

I know. I'm a real smartass but sometimes comments are hilariously irresistible. I'll restrain myself. I have my moments too.


Take for example Israel Blume's Coincident IC's and speaker wire, needing a minimum of 200+ hours break-in and he was correct, of course. It toke every bit of that time to start sounding sweet... Why? Who knows, but it's true. I have never had a single piece of equipment (including wire) that was this resistant to showing its true colors, which are very few (very neutral). Selling expensive Hifi wire is hard enough without this situation and by the way for 299.00USD a first meter for IC's, it is a true bargain. I wonder how many will endure the break-in to glean the results. Count me in as one. Cheers!