"If one is willing to invest a great deal of money and has some experience as a metallurgist a wire manuafacturer will build wire for you.Percentages of Gold,Silver and Copper can vary along with the purity of the materials.If you are willing to pay it can be provided.
Audiobuzz, you made my point precisely!
The cable business seems to be divided between the "big boys" and the "small fries". The big boys certainly have the money to have any wire they want made to their specifications. However, I seriously doubt that all of the small fries in the cottage industry we are discussing here have their own wire made to their specifications. Just a guess, but I suspect a good one.
The Audio Metallurgy design is a simple design and I suspect that the Gabriels are also. That is not a knock on either of them, but rather a plus. I personally believe that's one reason their cables sound so good. But if you read other websites it seems that alloy cables are getting stellar reviews from numerous manufacturers. "Alloy" wire seems to incorporate the best of each metal and apparently the combination of metals create a synergy above and beyond the strengths of the singular metals.
You don't need to defend Gabriel cables here. No one is attacking Steve's products. I want to try them myself! All I am saying is that it is my opinion that the "alloy" wire is a big part of the "small fry" victories.
Audiobuzz, you made my point precisely!
The cable business seems to be divided between the "big boys" and the "small fries". The big boys certainly have the money to have any wire they want made to their specifications. However, I seriously doubt that all of the small fries in the cottage industry we are discussing here have their own wire made to their specifications. Just a guess, but I suspect a good one.
The Audio Metallurgy design is a simple design and I suspect that the Gabriels are also. That is not a knock on either of them, but rather a plus. I personally believe that's one reason their cables sound so good. But if you read other websites it seems that alloy cables are getting stellar reviews from numerous manufacturers. "Alloy" wire seems to incorporate the best of each metal and apparently the combination of metals create a synergy above and beyond the strengths of the singular metals.
You don't need to defend Gabriel cables here. No one is attacking Steve's products. I want to try them myself! All I am saying is that it is my opinion that the "alloy" wire is a big part of the "small fry" victories.