Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?

Any one else out there using these Gabriel Gold IC's?
I need to know if it is me or if anyone else finds them as good as me.
I bought a pair on auction a while back and compared them to my Stealth cables.
After about a week of going back and forth I found the Gabriel Golds to have bettered my Stealths and bought more.
Is it me?
Just wondering what some other folks who bought them think of them.
Thanks for the input.

Showing 10 responses by fiddler

"If one is willing to invest a great deal of money and has some experience as a metallurgist a wire manuafacturer will build wire for you.Percentages of Gold,Silver and Copper can vary along with the purity of the materials.If you are willing to pay it can be provided.

Audiobuzz, you made my point precisely!

The cable business seems to be divided between the "big boys" and the "small fries". The big boys certainly have the money to have any wire they want made to their specifications. However, I seriously doubt that all of the small fries in the cottage industry we are discussing here have their own wire made to their specifications. Just a guess, but I suspect a good one.

The Audio Metallurgy design is a simple design and I suspect that the Gabriels are also. That is not a knock on either of them, but rather a plus. I personally believe that's one reason their cables sound so good. But if you read other websites it seems that alloy cables are getting stellar reviews from numerous manufacturers. "Alloy" wire seems to incorporate the best of each metal and apparently the combination of metals create a synergy above and beyond the strengths of the singular metals.

You don't need to defend Gabriel cables here. No one is attacking Steve's products. I want to try them myself! All I am saying is that it is my opinion that the "alloy" wire is a big part of the "small fry" victories.

It was asked earlier in this thread if the wire in the Gabriels was the same wire that Audio Metallurgy uses in their cables. Someone posted it was not the same.

I wonder how the poster knows this to be a fact. Just curious.

I have tried the Audio Metallurgy GA-0's and have found them to be exceptional. I have also noticed that numerous other cable manufacturers are now using the "gold alloy" wire in their cable designs. It seems that the gold alloy wire is not proprietary and apparently it is available if one knows where to buy it.

It could be that the results that this wire is producing says more about the wire than the cable design. The GA-0's have produced the same enormous soundstage, clarity, imaging and tonality in my system that others have described here with the Gabriels.

Having said that, I want to order a pair of the "Revelations" and compare them to the Audio Metallugy GA-0's. If the Gabriels are that much better I will be shocked -- but elated.

Audio Metallurgy and Steve may have pockets as deep as Bill Gates, but they don't sell a drop in the bucket in cables as compared to Monster, MIT, Transparent, Nordost, etc. They *are* small fries in the cable world. But that has nothing to do with the quality of their cables. And I know from experience how good AM cables are and I suspect Steve's cables are as good or better.

If the AM folks and Steve have pockets as deep as you suggest, then they are probably smart business people, as well. I am sure they clearly understand the economies of scale and invest money in their companies based on those principles.


Just a quick question. When you auditioned the Audio Metallurgy GA-0's, did they have the upgraded Next-Gen RCA's or the standard RCA's?
Fla - not yet.

I am busy upgrading my power cords from EG Epiphanys to Stealth Dreams. And I just installed V-Caps in my DAC and preamp so I have been busy with other things. But I still want to audition the GG Revelations at some point, including the speaker cables.

I am currently using a Stealth Varidig Sextet BNC/BNC digital cable, 2 Audio Metallurgy IC's and Stealth Hybrid MLT speaker cables and my system sounds the best it has ever sounded by a looooong shot.

The Audio Metallurgys were purchased on a lark and I was shocked at the result. I never thought a $200 IC would reside in my system, but I am mightily impressed. That's why I am interested in the GGs. If they significantly improve upon what the AMs do, then I am in. I guess the question will be to what degree, if any, the GGs will better the AMs. Time will tell.

But one thing is for certain. There is magic in that gold alloy wire!

I opted for the upgraded NextGen connectors so I can't speak to GA-0's otherwise, but the GA-0's with NextGens are very revealing with incredible tonality and without a hint of brightness in my system.

I haven't heard the Gabriel PC's, but if you are going to spend that kind of money, you owe it to yourself to consider the Stealth Dream pc's. Read the reviews here. They have replaced many other $$$$ pc's. They aren't cheap, but neither are the Gabriels.
"Evolution! that sounds like a good name for a GG cable?"

Bobf, unless I am missing something here, I think Gabriel "REVELATION" and "RAPTURE" may have implications about the cable designer's philosophy (I hope so) and I am not sure "Evolution" would fit into the Gabriel product line very neatly, if you get my drift.