Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?

Any one else out there using these Gabriel Gold IC's?
I need to know if it is me or if anyone else finds them as good as me.
I bought a pair on auction a while back and compared them to my Stealth cables.
After about a week of going back and forth I found the Gabriel Golds to have bettered my Stealths and bought more.
Is it me?
Just wondering what some other folks who bought them think of them.
Thanks for the input.
A quick follow up on the CD2 with the NOS DR tubes. My oops in installing them was more of my own concern and less of a problem than my paranoia originally portrayed.

The player is now different animal, a pure joy. All the excessive energy is tamed and the microdynamics under control. Huge soundstage with a gentle and warm yet dynamic and detailed presentation. Hard to say 'reinvents your whole cd collection', but it is fun to relisten to things with it. The decays are now extended and I'm really not finding any deficits to my ear with the reproduction from this player. The DAC portion holds up the same high standard.....

Hopefully, I can get more out about it later next month. If anyone has any specific curiosities, shoot me a email.

Enjoy the tunes!
how are you making out with your Ayon CD2?
Gabriel Rapture AC cord or the BMI?
NOS tubes must also be making some improvements?
Still using the Rapture interconnects?
"Evolution! that sounds like a good name for a GG cable?"

Bobf, unless I am missing something here, I think Gabriel "REVELATION" and "RAPTURE" may have implications about the cable designer's philosophy (I hope so) and I am not sure "Evolution" would fit into the Gabriel product line very neatly, if you get my drift.
Steve told me that the "double entendre" is in effect when it comes to naming his cables.
I wasn't sure what a "double entendre" was until I looked it up.
Basically a name or phrase that carries with it more than one interpretation.
Rapture-1. The state of being transported by a lofty emotion; ecstasy.
2.extreme happiness or delight
3. The biblical definition of the "Rapture"

Something revealed, especially a dramatic disclosure of something not previously known or realized.
There is also the biblical definition of "Revelation"
So maybe Evolution will work due to it's "double entendre" dual meanings.
Obviously Steve puts as much thought,knowledge and passion into the naming of his cables as he does the designing of them