Thank you very much for appreciating my site. And I also thank you for this opportunity to talk about the matters you have raised here. As you know from reading my site, I care deeply about those suffering from the 2 incurable diseases I overcame and I do my best to give helpful opinions based on my many years of experience.
I would like to take a moment to put what you say in your post in perspective. As we know, anyone can say anything about anyone or anything on the Internet where we see paid dis-informers, jealous competitors and all manner of shenanigans. There are even sites that profit from calling other sites scams. All of this is well known if you do the Google searching. In fact, a so-called "report" site run by a convicted felon who I identify by name on my site tried to extort $50,000 from me a few years back. So, lots of things happen out there.
It is true that I have been called names -- but not by those who have read my books and who have actually used my products successfully -- attested to by 714 unsolicited testimonials under 24 indexed categories -- including actress Karen Allen who became famous acting with Harrison Ford in Steven Spielberg's Lost Arc movies. I invite visitors to my site to take their time and make up their own minds.
Yes, all kinds of odd and sometimes astonishing things happen on the Internet. It is really a free-for-all with scant regulation -- and it sometimes can even be a minefield.
Little by little, as people become more familiar with the Internet they are becoming more savvy and less inclined to believe everything they read. More and more people opt for doing their own hard research to find out more. That's the opportunity that the Internet provides for us all.
I talk about all these matters quite extensively on my site so that people can take the information I provide and do their research and find out what is really going on.
Back to cable talk, I have never accused any cable maker of being a scam. I have never seen any cable maker who was a scam. I talk primarily about 3 issues in the cable industry: sound quality, the price/performance ratio and marketing strategy. I don't know out why this generates so much controversy since these things have been talked about by many others through the years.
And I think it is a misconception that I throw rocks at the cable industry. There are many cable companies that I favor including Nordost, David Elrod, Shunyata, Furutech and Bybee. There are cable companies whose cables I do not favor -- such as Synergistic Research -- whose "tweaks" and accessories I have praised. And, in fact, I still have Synergistic Research ART room treatment in my system and I have added extra bowls.
How I feel about the cable industry is this: cables from companies not on my favorites list may fit the needs of many systems. Different strokes for different folks. All well and fine. Regarding my opinions, I am only one of many people expressing their opinions about cables and other audio matters. My opinions should be taken in context as just that -- my personal opinions -- and no need to fuss about them.
In fact, as much as I welcome this opportunity to digress, this discussion can revert to the subject of the OP if folks wish to get back there. No problem.
Thank you very much for appreciating my site. And I also thank you for this opportunity to talk about the matters you have raised here. As you know from reading my site, I care deeply about those suffering from the 2 incurable diseases I overcame and I do my best to give helpful opinions based on my many years of experience.
I would like to take a moment to put what you say in your post in perspective. As we know, anyone can say anything about anyone or anything on the Internet where we see paid dis-informers, jealous competitors and all manner of shenanigans. There are even sites that profit from calling other sites scams. All of this is well known if you do the Google searching. In fact, a so-called "report" site run by a convicted felon who I identify by name on my site tried to extort $50,000 from me a few years back. So, lots of things happen out there.
It is true that I have been called names -- but not by those who have read my books and who have actually used my products successfully -- attested to by 714 unsolicited testimonials under 24 indexed categories -- including actress Karen Allen who became famous acting with Harrison Ford in Steven Spielberg's Lost Arc movies. I invite visitors to my site to take their time and make up their own minds.
Yes, all kinds of odd and sometimes astonishing things happen on the Internet. It is really a free-for-all with scant regulation -- and it sometimes can even be a minefield.
Little by little, as people become more familiar with the Internet they are becoming more savvy and less inclined to believe everything they read. More and more people opt for doing their own hard research to find out more. That's the opportunity that the Internet provides for us all.
I talk about all these matters quite extensively on my site so that people can take the information I provide and do their research and find out what is really going on.
Back to cable talk, I have never accused any cable maker of being a scam. I have never seen any cable maker who was a scam. I talk primarily about 3 issues in the cable industry: sound quality, the price/performance ratio and marketing strategy. I don't know out why this generates so much controversy since these things have been talked about by many others through the years.
And I think it is a misconception that I throw rocks at the cable industry. There are many cable companies that I favor including Nordost, David Elrod, Shunyata, Furutech and Bybee. There are cable companies whose cables I do not favor -- such as Synergistic Research -- whose "tweaks" and accessories I have praised. And, in fact, I still have Synergistic Research ART room treatment in my system and I have added extra bowls.
How I feel about the cable industry is this: cables from companies not on my favorites list may fit the needs of many systems. Different strokes for different folks. All well and fine. Regarding my opinions, I am only one of many people expressing their opinions about cables and other audio matters. My opinions should be taken in context as just that -- my personal opinions -- and no need to fuss about them.
In fact, as much as I welcome this opportunity to digress, this discussion can revert to the subject of the OP if folks wish to get back there. No problem.