Dynamic Speaker Cable?

Im looking for suggestions on speaker cables to add speed or dynamic? I hope Im using the correct terminology. I want to add a bit of seperation of instruments. Currently I have Transparent speaker cables and power cables. Straight wire for all the components. Mc 207, Mc C45, Marantz 9500. Feeding the 802n, htm2d, ds8 rears. I play alot of 80s-90s rock. But do listen Kenny G and other similar music when I feel like turning the volume down a lil. I know there is no science in this question just looking for suggestions from people that own or have owned similiar equipment and what they have liked.
In the right system, the Acoustic Zen Satori are very dynamic. The Stealth Premier also are very dynamic.
Check out www.fatwyre.com. The Cable Company will allow you to try different cables. Would like to suggest that you demo a PS Audio power plant and a DAC in your system.
I am using both along with Revelation Audio Lab cables on the MC 352 amp.
There was a recent shootout in one of the audio forums (sorry cannot remember). The Pure Note Paragon was on the very top as being highly resolute and dynamic without edgy mids and highs. I own the interconnects which are very good. My current speaker cables are Nordost SPM Ref. but may not be the most dynamic.
Wow this is the first time ive opened a forum and was able to get everyone that responded to give me there oppinion. I cant believe I do not have anyone cutting me down or critisize me or what the products Ive owned. Thanks all for your oppinions. I will call fatwyre and see if they can throw me a package with what you all have suggested.

Criticize your components? Nah, they are way more than is needed for KennyG. ;-)
