Not only do I use quality upgrade power cords, but I also have my equipment connected to a line conditioner.
After a power cord upgrade people comment about hearing things they didn't hear before with the stock cord. We're actually just hearing the details we couldn't hear before due to a dirty and inadequate power supply.
We don't hesitate to spend money on upgrading interconnects and speaker cables in an effort to improve the sound. Doesn't it make sense to put some money into upgrading our power supply as well? We have to connect our precious equipment to the power that our local utility sees fit to supply us with. Anyone with a line conditioner that has a meter on it can watch the fluctuations in the incoming power. Stabilizing the power with a conditioner helps our equipment run more efficiently. Connecting our equipment to that stabilized power with upgrade power cords takes it one step further.
I know not everyone agrees that power cords make a difference, but in my opinion if something makes my system run more efficiently and sound better, as a dedicated audio enthusiast it's a no brainer!
Like most everyone else, I have wasted more than my share of money on tweaks that don't work. I've also spent a lot of money on tweaks that do work. Upgrade power cords are one of those items.
Let the discussion continue!
Merry Christmas everybody.