I have experience using the AU-24 interconnects in different configurations and have done many comparisons.
First off, as has been said before, cable suitabiltiy is entirely system-dependent. IMHO, "This is better than that" comments aren't very useful.
However, I have found that there are some consistent qualities AU-24s have regardless of how they're being used.
1) If they break, Audience fixes them. Free. They have a lifetime warranty. And, you don't have to be the original owner.
2) They are very non-fatiguing. Some cables make you want to listen to your system less, or cause you to notice it more. AU-24s don't.
3) "Musicality", define it how you will, is, also, one of their strong suits.
4) Sonic neutrality is another consistent trait AU-24s have, regardless of their application. These ain't no tone controls, that's for sure.
For example, if someone says they make his, or her, system sound more, "hifi-ish", that's probably because their system actually does sound, "hifi-ish". It may need a warm, "natural" i/c like George Cardas' Golden Reference, or Golden Cross. (His neutral cable is called, the Neutral Reference, by the way.)
5) AU-24s have good bass.
6) And, last, but certainly not least, these cables don't do anything unforgivably wrong. A rarer quality than one might think.
In short, they're good all around, all purpose cables.
Used improperly, however, they can sound a bit lifeless and not very dynamic.
So, use them right.
I like them on neutral, tubed CD players and feeding solid state amplifiers when said amps are driving very revealing speakers.
I hope you have found this useful.
First off, as has been said before, cable suitabiltiy is entirely system-dependent. IMHO, "This is better than that" comments aren't very useful.
However, I have found that there are some consistent qualities AU-24s have regardless of how they're being used.
1) If they break, Audience fixes them. Free. They have a lifetime warranty. And, you don't have to be the original owner.
2) They are very non-fatiguing. Some cables make you want to listen to your system less, or cause you to notice it more. AU-24s don't.
3) "Musicality", define it how you will, is, also, one of their strong suits.
4) Sonic neutrality is another consistent trait AU-24s have, regardless of their application. These ain't no tone controls, that's for sure.
For example, if someone says they make his, or her, system sound more, "hifi-ish", that's probably because their system actually does sound, "hifi-ish". It may need a warm, "natural" i/c like George Cardas' Golden Reference, or Golden Cross. (His neutral cable is called, the Neutral Reference, by the way.)
5) AU-24s have good bass.
6) And, last, but certainly not least, these cables don't do anything unforgivably wrong. A rarer quality than one might think.
In short, they're good all around, all purpose cables.
Used improperly, however, they can sound a bit lifeless and not very dynamic.
So, use them right.
I like them on neutral, tubed CD players and feeding solid state amplifiers when said amps are driving very revealing speakers.
I hope you have found this useful.