audiogon members or dealers

just want to know who you would rather deal with?A member with a good rating ,or a dealer.I bought a set of cables in september,with a warrenty,and sent them back to get repaired,they set in his store for 2 weeks and then he shipped to the company who made them,they have been at the company since dec,and after i was told they were going to be shipped friday ,they call me and say they dont have the product to repair point is every thing i bought from a member,has worked out great, if there was a problem it always got worked out..but with dealers,its always a run around.and the company who makes the cable is huge,and very well known, i guess thats why dealers in this hobby are hurting.poor service.but at 40 years old the girl at the electic company makes me mad
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Personally in this order: Manufacturer, Agon member, dealer. If I am buying new I try to deal directly with the mfg. Some dealers do not know the meaning of good customer service.
It doesn't matter who you are, or whether this is you business, hobby, or hobby-business. Life is all about taking care of each other.
If you buy a new item and it is defective you ask for a brand spanking new one in return for replacement. If the dealer tells you they don't have one or this item was a close out then you ask for a full refund + shipping. You also have the dispute board at Audiogon to expose the culprit. Good luck.