Carbon and silver conductors

Has any body ever heard of using carbon and silver in a power cord,if so is it good or bad.Please explain the sonic difference in copper vs carbon-silver conductors.Carbon being - run and silver +
Pull up the Van den Hul webpage for explanations regarding carbon, copper and silver as conductors.
Duane, it is the current running through the cable that causes the magnetic field, not the material of the conductor. cardon conductors also create magenetic fields.
Bob p.
npepinnovations, maybe I typed it wtong. I know that power going through cables creates a magnetic field, I was trying to say that carbon used for electricity tends to creat less of a feild. This is why you use carbon spark plug wires if you have noise on your audio system.

The strength of the magenetic field caused by current is a function of current and rate of change of current, not the material. Carbon is used in automobile ignition circuits for other reasons than prevention of noise (which is caused by the 'static' caused by the sparks at the plugs not by the magnetic field in the ignition wires. The magnetic field in wires of the ignition system is very low because the current is very low, although the voltages are very high. Magnetism caused by current is not lower in Carbon conductors for the same current.
Respectfully, Bob P.