Dedicated power,long power cords - waste of time?

I am thinking about putting in a couple of dedicated lines but if I do this I will require extra long power cords, say about 20 feet in length, as the dedicated outlets must be installed across the room from where my system resides? There is no way around this.

Currently I have 3 pieces on 1 15 amp line. Bryston amp, Hovland preamp and my digital gear is plugged into a small BPT conditioner also on the same line. Installing 2 lines would allow me to drive the preamp and amp on their own lines and leave the digital alone on its own.

The downside is having to run 2 really long power cords which I would plug directly into the amp and preamp's IEC inlets.

Am I spinning my wheels here? Is this money down a rathole???

All opinions and/or related personal experiences are most welcome.
I agree with Chuck, talk to your electrician and get his idea on how to best run dedicated lines close to where your rig is now. There are usually ways of snaking lines from the panel to the new location even without access to the space above or below. The electrician might have to open small holes (for snaking wires) in the walls and/or ceiling but these are easily repaired. Good Luck.
If you decide you really do need to run 20' power cables it's possible to very easily make them up yourself. You can create a shielded power cable for about $75 with some of this:
One of these:
Male plug
and one of these:
Female plug

There's no soldering involved and it shouldn't take more than 15 minutes to do.
Contrary to what Zenieth states, there is doubt.

I suggest that you get a long (40 ft?) heavy duty extension cord and plug it into an outlet near your electric service box. Turn off every electrical device on the same fuse/breaker as that outlet. Now you have a "dedicated" line, except that it uses the extension cord wire inastead of Romex. Plug your system into the extension cord, and fire it up. Does it sound different? Now YOU can decide if the cost of a "dedicated" power line is worth it.

By the way, I do have "dedicated" power lines, but that's because my power amps are in the cellar, where running Romex is no harder than an extension cord (well almost) and my front end equipment rear side is in the cellar stairway about 6 feet from the electrical service entrance.
I agree with Warrenh. I have dedicated lines that come into my room from the outside, then are run along the baseboard of the room for an additonal 15' to where my rig is located. 20' power are expensive and severely limit your choices of cords.

Good luck,

Driver has the right idea, but the wrong product; what is needed is a product that goes by the tradename "Wiremold" or its equivalent. It's a form of wall-surface-mounted, decent-looking, paintable metallic conduit that will meet NEC requirements. The hollowed-out molding will not meet NEC req's. Wiremold sells pre-formed inner and outer corners, surface-mount outlet boxes and other useful accessories for successful completion of your "impossible" job.

BTW, I would have the electrician use STEEL (not aluminum) BX armored cable up to the point where you make the transition to the Wiremold because of its superior magnetic shielding properties.