Dedicated power,long power cords - waste of time?

I am thinking about putting in a couple of dedicated lines but if I do this I will require extra long power cords, say about 20 feet in length, as the dedicated outlets must be installed across the room from where my system resides? There is no way around this.

Currently I have 3 pieces on 1 15 amp line. Bryston amp, Hovland preamp and my digital gear is plugged into a small BPT conditioner also on the same line. Installing 2 lines would allow me to drive the preamp and amp on their own lines and leave the digital alone on its own.

The downside is having to run 2 really long power cords which I would plug directly into the amp and preamp's IEC inlets.

Am I spinning my wheels here? Is this money down a rathole???

All opinions and/or related personal experiences are most welcome.
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My 2 cents says go with Wiremold. It's the safest (i.e., legal) and most cost effective way to solve problems such as yours where behind the wall wiring is impractical.

I agree with your comment concerning blacker background as that is the goal with dedicated lines. But please do not take my comments out of context as I stated "MAYBE a blacker background" not definite. And given Rgd's situation it may not be worth the trouble. However, others have made good suggestions concerning the routing of the romex that might make it much easier.

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