When is unequal, equal?

Due to an awkward room configuration,the speaker placement in relation to the amps must lay out as follows: Speaker #1 is approximately 6' from the power source, and Speaker # 2 is spaced at 14" away. My question is as follows. If I choose to run unequal lengths of cable will this create any sonic problems, or will I be safe?... The ideal of having so much extra unused cable spooled up around the system is rather unsightly.
Please advise, and thanks.
Since the signal approaches the speed of light in your spkr. cables, unequal lengths are of no concern in your system.
Porziob is correct about the speed of light, etc. however speaker cable length over 10 feet tends to diminish the damping factor -- the amp's ability to accurately control the woofer, necessary for clean bass.

This is even more important if one is using a tube amp, since output transformers have inherently limited damping capability. That is why (unless they are just driving the high frequencies) you so often see tube amps sitting right next to speakers.
thanks to all for the suggestions...All of the above options mentioned have already been explored. The only way the system can be laid out requires the question I have posed. "WAF" won't allow for the placement of amps out in the room, next too the speakers (my solution). Hence the need for the long runs of cable. As for the cost considerations I agree, however I already own them so my true cost is to have one of the runs shortened. If the speed of sound/light is correct? then I see no sonic benefits to the equal lengths...Correct?
Porziob is correct. Whether you shorten one of them or not is a matter of convenience and visual aesthetics.
Sweet, then the question is moot. I can in fact run different lengths without loss of information. Thanks