How trustworhty is Used Cables?

My question is how trustworthy is Used Cables recommendations? Has anybody had any relative experience with them?
They claim that they base their oppinions on some type of data base, but I am sceptical.

My gear is Sony SCD-1, Linar preamp2, Linar 250i, Gershman Avant Garde RX-20.

Thanks, Frank.
I hope I didn't appear rude, its just that this was a fairly recent subject here.
Though I have never bought anything from UsedCables, they are a local high end audio dealer, under The Cable Company banner. I can say that those who I personally know who have bought equipment from them feel them to be among the most upstanding people in this business. I have never heard higher accolades regarding a dealer than the folks at The Cable Company. I'm sure you are in very good hands.
I purchased a Tara Labs digital interconnect from them and the cable I received was brand new for the price of used. Perhaps an exception, but I was pleasantly surprised.