earthlink denies your existance
Do I have a Digi-One SFG -- I think it's actually called an Audio One SFG from Audioparts? Is that the one you're
referring to? I got mine on an Agon auction but they're
available (a lot) cheaper if you want to do without the
little offset platform (or make your own.)
Anyway, if that's the one you're talking about, you don't
need a screwdriver, just a ball point pen will do. There's
a small 1/8" half-round cut-out next to the rim of each
battery. You just stick the point of the pen in the little
hole pushing it gently under the edge of the battery and
it will just pop out.
It requires 2 x 3V lithium batteries No. CR 2032. Install
plus side up. Should be available at Walgreens Drug,
or any camera store.
earthlink denies your existance
Do I have a Digi-One SFG -- I think it's actually called an Audio One SFG from Audioparts? Is that the one you're
referring to? I got mine on an Agon auction but they're
available (a lot) cheaper if you want to do without the
little offset platform (or make your own.)
Anyway, if that's the one you're talking about, you don't
need a screwdriver, just a ball point pen will do. There's
a small 1/8" half-round cut-out next to the rim of each
battery. You just stick the point of the pen in the little
hole pushing it gently under the edge of the battery and
it will just pop out.
It requires 2 x 3V lithium batteries No. CR 2032. Install
plus side up. Should be available at Walgreens Drug,
or any camera store.