Good Interconnects for NAD?

I'm looking to upgrade my CD Player and going NAD to match up with my system plus for the money ($400) the NAD is hard to beat. With the new CD player I want to replace my old (run of the mill Monsters) with a good set of interconnects, I understand the Audioquest Diamondbacks are a good match for the NADs, any others in the same price and quality range I should look at.. Unfortunitly there isn't one real Hi end audio store in my area so this is going to have to be my only source.. thanks all..
You would be better of to keep the the cables you have and spend the extra money on a better Cd player. Nad is ok but there are many better choices for a source.
I pretty much agree with Mapleleafs3. You can get nicer-sounding cables than the Monsters (I hope you have the Interlink 400 II or better) but you are even better off putting 200 bucks more into your CD player.

If you want to spend the cable money that way, look at the Music Hall CD25. I like it a lot better than the best NAD, and I've had both.

Cables are really tweaks, not main components. For the money, you'll get much more music if you find the best CD player you can afford first, then save for cables. When you have a bit more cash, get a power cord for the player, (say a $50 kit from Subaruguru, here on Audiogon) and perhaps a pair of Apogee Wyde Eye interconnects.

IMHO it doesn't make sense for you to spend much more than that for cables, at this point.
I agree with Mapleleafs3 and Tobias, your money is better spent on the CD player. Here's another suggestion:

The Onix is the same internally as the Music Hall, and less expensive. AV123 frequently has open box and B stock, but you need to call them - they don't always list them on the Web site.
Interesing you should mention the Music Hall Amstrod, I inquired about a used Music Hall MMF CD-25 with Sound Odyssey mods but it was $200 higher then the NAD C542 plus it was the MMF CD-25 version not the 25.2 or 25.5. The newest MMF CD-25.5 I can get for $540.00 brand new, did they improve the 25.5 to the point where it is up there with a MMF CD-25 with mods?? Think I will post this question at the Digital Forum.. You got me thinking now guys and that will only lead to more money lol..