Bingo Jafox:
The AAP type of influenza virus, also called avian AudioPhile's flu virus, is the type most likely to cause epidemics and pandemics among audiophile populations. This is because the influenza AAP virus can undergo antigenic shift during audio amplification and present a new, immune target to impressionable audiophiles such as Stan. Populations tend to have more resistance to standard H. C. Andersen's choriea, because they only undergo nonsensical drift, and have more similarity with previous strains.
The avian Audiophile's flu virus is a species of virus. Its genetic code is RNA not DNA. It mutates very fast by comparison to both DNA and non-viruses. To the contrary of A type non audiophile flues, Cold destroies it while heat preserves it. It mutates enough so after a year of mutating in birds and hot-running tube-based amplifiers, humans can catch the new strain and not be protected by their body from last year's strain. Cold in digital amps destroies AAP virus particles. Stan, we really feel for you, but there is no treatment available for AAP!