Anybody tried 20th Anniversary Purist cables?

Any reviews, tests against other top of the line IC's, Speaker cables?

I've heard that they are really very good (also very expensive) but how do they perform in different systems, against other cables?
If you want to go the PAD route, you might try a set of PAD Venusta speaker cables. Two years ago, I tested them against the Au 24 and preferred them in my system: Granite 657 tube CDP, Supratek Syrah, Spectron Musician II (now III) and Van Schwiekert VR5-HSE. I still use and enjoy them. The difference wasn't huge (the AU24 is great cabling), but was noticable, and the Venustas are far cheaper than the Dominus.
Has anyone compared the Pure Note Paragon Enhanced and the PAD Aqueous/Venustas? I'm asking this because the Pure Note is among the best discoveries I had in the past two years. But if the PAD is really that better, I would like to home audition it too. Thank you very much.


Have you contacted Albert Porter? He may be able to get you some to audition.

Best of luck,

Dan: I have auditioned the Venustas XLR balanced and AES/EBU digital interconnects. Both were sounding good. The only thing which bothered me a bit was the laid back and very polite sound of both the cables. I had less than 100 hours on them, so it is possible they haven't had enough break in time. I'm not familiar with the Aqueous, but I wonder how the speaker cable would sound.
