how much to $pend to claim i am an audiophile?

i am thinking of starting a new hobby. this one seams great! but how much do i have to spend to be able to honestly call myself an audiophile? i saw some grado headphones for about $60 , if i get these can i then make the claim?
Great answers!I also believe its a state of mind!I was an audiophile wayy before i knew what one was!Def. not about how much you spend,,,,Welcome to A,gon!Always trustYOUR ears!Ray
Jetguy I hereby proclaim you an audiophile! Email me and I'll give you instructions on where to send you first year dues and get your address to mail your decoder ring. Welcome aboard!
Swampwalker my apologies, beleive it or not I actually didn't even read your post. Great minds you know?
Don't let these scam artists con you out of your coin dude. Without the secret
handshake you'll be laughed right out of the next meeting. The membership
cards, and decoder rings are as easily faked as an E88CCa! But the secret
handshake is the one surefire way to recognize a brother (or sister) among a
crowd. You need to go through an initiation rite at a local chapter. Bring a
few LP's (some Audiophile approved CD's will do fine - something by Eva
Cassidy, or anything the forums when in doubt), a freshly killed
chicken, a blindfold, and those Grados you are talking about buying. Don't
worry, they'll supply the hand cuffs and leather studded g-string. You should
check ahead if someone's already bringing some Krispy Kreams, otherwise
you may want to pick up three dozen on the way there. By the end of the
evening you could be one of us. May your ears be with you my


PS I've had the opportunity to post this at least once before. From Merriam-
Webster, in case that makes a difference...still go to the meeting and get
yourself initiated or your nuthin but a donut hole!:

Main Entry: au·dio·phile
Pronunciation: 'o-dE-O-"fIl
Function: noun
: a person who is enthusiastic about high-fidelity sound reproduction