how much to $pend to claim i am an audiophile?

i am thinking of starting a new hobby. this one seams great! but how much do i have to spend to be able to honestly call myself an audiophile? i saw some grado headphones for about $60 , if i get these can i then make the claim?

I know it's difficult to appreciate now, but Marco is taking great risk in revealing that a secret audiophile handshake even exists. Suffice it to say, that you must put in time, effort and some cash before the handshake will be revealed to you. You'll have to prove yourself to us you belong. One thing though. If you ever see a dumpy looking loser walking around with a brown thumb, this person is an audiophile.
No, that is not enough.
However, if you get the phones, put them on spikes, and you can hear a difference, you clearly qualify.
Open up your wallet Amigo and you are in ! It is an addiction. Three levels of audiophile Class A, B, or C. Most folks start with Class C. Go to Class A and you are 1/2 way there. Enjoy the music, and see where it will take you. Honestly it is great, "ENJOY".
How much do you spend to be a musician. A composer.? a painter, a chef. Nothing to do with money. If I were to sculpt bust of you in butter or ice. If I were to make a perfect 3d life size copy of a horse on a beach(sand) somewhere . Where does the technique or art need money.

Hi-fi is a guy who can walk into a room with his ears and tune it. Audiophiles need a tech and tools. Buying a $$$ does not qualify as an audiophile. It is just a purchase.