Electraglide Epiphany -X VS Shunyata

Hello Friends,
has anyone compared the Electraglide to the Shunyata without getting to technical and in plain english WHICH ONE IS BETTER!!!!!!! WOULD BE USING ON POWER AMP. I listen to jazz, light pop. Thanks for your help again!!!!!!
In my personal experience, the Epiphany X is an excellent power cord for source applications, pre-amps, and line conditioners (including the Sound Application RLS).

In regards to amplifiers, I have been satisfied with the Nordost Valhalla cord. Another cord to consider is Zcable's Cyclone (with a length of six feet or longer).
HawaiiKid, I had the same opinion as yourself, especially on the RLS, I had compared with numerous cables, VD Nite 11, and Master, Elrod Statement, Shunyata Python, et. I always felt the Epipahany whas better, to my ears. When I saw an ad for a longer 20 amp Dominus, at a GREAT price, I had to try it. The difference was AMAZING to these ears, along with David Schulte, from the Upgrade Company. It really was quite difference in tonality, soundstage, imageing, et. If you are interested in comparing, email, or call me.

Leonx: which EG pc do you mean? I use three EG Epiphany in my system and find their performance absolutely amazing. Compared to the EG the Nordost misses body, texture, musicality and transparency. Furthermore I found out that Nordost pc´s do not work very well with the tube gear I´ve listend to in my system (Nagra, Aesthetix, Audio Aero and T+A).
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Tvad: if you order EG with Schucko plugs the cord is grounded. With Nagra gear I found PAD better than EG.
Nagra gear sounds thin with EG and very nice with Nagra gear. On the opposite: Audio Aero, Ayre, Aesthetix, Reimyo and Wadia sound much nicer with EG (more liquid, detailed and transparent + better soundstaging). So as always its a matter of system synergy. I bet with the top-of-the line cords from EG, PAD, Shunyata, Acoustic Zen, Omega Micro and a few others you can´t go wrong. Another nice cable from Germany is HMS.