Anyone tried Acrolink power cables from Japan ?

If so,how would you rate them against some of the "majors"
such as Elrod,VD& EG. Very broad question,I know,but would
just like to get a htnt of their capability.
I've had them in my system.

While they are clean and exhibit low distortion, the sound is pale in uninvolving. Not much contrast in sound stage or between instruments and they lacked punch in the bass.

I have not heard the VD but both the Elrod and Electro Glide you mention were superior in my system.
Were those cables "stock", Albert? If so, I concur. However, fully-treated and conditioned units are a completely different animal, and offer far superior performance.

audio excellence az
Thanks folks. Just trying to get a handle on the PC's from
people who have used them in their systems. Very cost efective (in the 400 range)Thanks again for your input.